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Product Information

Yutani designs and manufactures coil lines, transfer lines, and robot lines. Coil lines include not only press lines, but also shear lines, roll forming lines, etc. Press lines are not only coil lines that supply coil material, but also lines that supply work pieces. We also manufacture various other coil line peripheral equipment.

Press Lines (Coil Material)

A line that supplies coil material to a press machine. The main models are uncoilers, levelers, and feeders. There are tandem lines with individual line configurations and space-saving integrated NC leveler feeders.

Press Lines (Work Pieces)

This line supplies work pieces to the press. It consists of a destacker, transfer, robot, shuttle feeder, etc. We also handle coil material supply, transfer, robot, and shuttle feeder.

Shear Line Rollforming Lines

Coil lines also have various cases where the post-processing is done using shears, roll forming, turret punches, lasers, etc. We can provide consistent support, not just for coil lines.

Peripheral Equipment/Options

We also handle optional equipment and peripheral devices for the coil line. We can flexibly respond to customer requests, such as trimmers, paper winders, and accumulation pilers.
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